The Punchbowl Trends Blog

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The Role of Beer, Wine, and Spirits in the Celebrations Industry

April 08, 2013 · in Content Marketing

Beer, wine, and cocktails go hand in hand with celebrations. With the alcoholic beverage industry estimated at $197 billion and the celebrations industry at $38 billion, there is a mutually beneficial opportunity for brands within these two worlds.

alcoholic beverage industry

In the new white paper, “The Role of Beer, Wine, and Spirits in the Beverage Industry,” we explore the inextricable link between beer, wine and spirits and celebrations as well as current consumer trends in the alcoholic beverage industry and what the industry can do to better reach consumers who spend billions on alcohol every year.

The key question for marketers at beer, wine, and spirits brands is: how do you effectively target and reach these party planners? To zero in on party hosts, beer, wine and spirits marketers can focus on the celebrations industry and the channels people use to plan their events. They need to understand the audience that’s doing the purchasing for the party. And they need to provide a reason or benefit for the host to choose their brand.

One way to find party hosts is to know where they’re planning online. Over the last 10 years, party planning has become a mainstream topic of numerous TV shows, magazines, and of course, websites. More than 35 million events are planned online each year and that’s where brands want to be. Nothing will be as targeted as reaching party hosts at exactly the right moment when they’re planning a celebration.

So how can brands find hosts at exactly the right time? Reach out to party planning sites like Punchbowl where hosts turn to manage all of their party planning from start to finish. Or look for smaller niche blogs that focus on food, decorating, or celebrations topics. Also dig into search engine marketing to reach hosts actively searching for information about party beverages or other party-related topics. Ideally, a brand’s digital marketing plan will include a combination of all of these strategies.

Want more insights on how celebrations and alcohol are linked, and actionable advice for beverage marketers looking to market in the celebrations industry? Download our white paper, “The Role of Beer, Wine, and Spirits in the Beverage Industry.”